For two days now, A has been begging me to make a pie. I have no pie fruit, no cans of pie filling. What to do?! I scrounged around in the cupboard and found two boxes of instant pudding. Can you make a decent pie out of INSTANT chocolate pudding? We'll find out!
Without further ado, the "Toddler wants to bake pie and the cupboard is bare" Pie recipe:
A's Chocolate Pie
10 graham crackers, crushed
1/3 C butter (or whatever's left in the tub in this case)
2 Tbs sugar
2 boxes chocolate pudding
2 squares of baker's chocolate, melted
2 cups milk
Melt the butter in the pie pan in the microwave.
Add grahams and sugar and press into the pie pan to make a crust.
Blend pudding mix with 2 cups of milk with an electric mixer.
Fold in melted chocolate and scoop into the pie crust.
Refridgerate for an hour.
It's cooling right now so we don't know if it's any good, but the spatula tasted wonderful! A went through three clean shirts while licking various chocolate-covered tools, so it will probably be a hit.
UPDATE: Served chilled with cool whip on top, this pie is definitely a repeatable experience. It disappeared and the adults fought over the last two pieces.